Join Us

The Krewe of Conus’ Conegregation may be for you if you…

  • have fantasized about (or actually) decorated a pothole that has a special place of love/hatred in your heart
  • regularly play the “puddle or pothole” guessing game
  • know the sneaky axle-breakers on your regular routes, & navigate around them by muscle memory alone
  • want to do some good for New Orleans, and look/act a little silly while doing it
  • conesider pageantry, satire, community, and giving back as all important
  • seek an inclusive and diverse conemunity of people with these shared interests
  • are not allergic to the color orange can at least come around to the idea of caution tape yellow

    (We get it. We’re all on our own journey, friend.)

Membership bestows many benefits upon conegregants, including:

  • The satisfaction of conetributing to the Cone’s sacred mission of making life a little easier for New Orleanians
  • A voice & voting rights on major Krewe of Conus decisions
  • Marching rights in our Lundi Gras parade on February 12th, 2024
  • Occasional little somethin’ somethins at our monthly social events (events open to all the Cone-Curious)
  • Access to our stockpile of relevant bits & baubles for costumes & throws. Because sometimes the right orange glitter or reflective iron-on is hard to find!
  • Most of the stuff you need to participate in our service events & initiatives (plus a little lagniappe now & then)
  • Eligibility to be initiated into some of Conus’ more secretive community initiatives


How to Become a Conegregant:

1. Offer your fealty to the Cone with an annual tithe (membership dues)

Krewe of Conus’ membership year runs from the first day after Lent (2/14/24) to the following Mardi Gras day (3/4/25). Membership enrollment generally closes on Twelfth Night (1/5/25).

Access and equity are important to the Krewe of Conus. To help ensure Conus membership remains accessible to everyone, tithes are paid on a sliding scale. Choose the rate that best fits your situation. Your membership in Conus is the same no matter which rate you choose. Rates:

     Cone-sponsor (sustainer):  $150
     Coneonical (standard):       $100
     Conesiderate (equitable):    $50

Contact the conetroller to discuss which rate fits your situation.

pay your 2024-25 dues

2. Serve the Cone

To be considered a Conus member (conegregant) in good standing, you are expected to serve the sacred mission of the One True Cone in some way or another for 2+ hours each membership year.

Your imagination is the limit in how you fulfill this service expectation. Participate in one of our ongoing community initiatives. Attend a Conus community service event. Help maintain a relic of the MegaCone. Do something wholesome for your neighbors that aligns with the guiding spirit of Conus. Even better, invite some coneheads to join you!